Make informed choices, live the life you were meant to live


MOOD, ANXIETY, Neurodivergence, ADHD, TRAUMA




My work stems from the belief that life is primarily about relationships. Often, we view ourselves in relation to others, and that can cause Problems, because we lose sense of who we are fundamentally.  This experience isn’t limited to romantic relationships, but can happen artwork, in school, in groups etc.

Sometimes, our relationships are not working in the way we would expect, would predict, or can understand. This can cause confusion or even deep unhappiness or anxiety.

When we are able to change our perspective, change our thinking, mood, and behavior, we can change how we experience relationships. In this way, the change comes from you, from within.  

Even though it may not feel like it today, you are the expert of your feelings. My job is to help you understand and work with those feelings in a way that creates a stronger foundation for you to build upon.  



The Kinds of Work I Do:


EMDR-Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a therapy that helps people process and heal from traumatic memories by recalling the trauma while moving their eyes in a specific way

PTSD-Focuses on enhancing emotional connection and understanding between partners, helping them cultivate deeper intimacy and navigate relationship challenges more effectively.

IFS-Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a psychotherapy approach that views the mind as composed of multiple parts, each with its own roles and functions, and aims to harmonize these parts by fostering the core Self's compassionate leadership.

CSAT-SA Behavioral Addiction Therapy based on the teachings of Dr Patick Carnes.

INTIMACY & SEX POSITIVITY-Focuses on enhancing emotional connection and understanding between partners, helping them cultivate deeper intimacy and navigating relationship and sex challenges more effectively.

CBT-is a structured, time-limited psychotherapy that focuses on identifying and changing negative patterns of thought and behavior to improve emotional regulation and develop personal coping strategies.

PSYCHODYNAMIC PSYCHOTHERAPY- Is an in-depth form of talk therapy that focuses on exploring unconscious processes and unresolved conflicts from the past to understand and alleviate present psychological distress

FAMILY THERAPY-Family therapy is a collaborative counseling approach that helps family members improve communication, understand each other better, and resolve conflicts in a supportive and structured environment.

DIVORCE SUPPORT-Is a specialized form of counseling that assists individuals in coping with the emotional and practical challenges of divorce, helping them navigate this difficult transition and rebuild their lives.

MEDIATION-Is a facilitated process where a I can help individuals or groups in conflict reach a mutually acceptable agreement through constructive dialogue and negotiation.

KAP-KAP (Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy) combines the therapeutic use of ketamine with psychological support to facilitate healing and insight. Working with Dr. Lurie at Wibeto, I am able to offer Preparation, and Integration Sessions onsite.